Types of Appraisals

Appraisal values are determined by a systematic examination of the gems, metal, method, quality of construction and pertinent market factors. The monetary value reflects our interpretation of current market values excluding taxes. Appraisals are not an offer to buy.

The process of evaluating your jewelry contain many steps which include the following:

*detailed descriptions of the jewelry item
* cleaning the jewelry as needed
* Gold testing
* Quality analysis of clarity, cut and color on stones
* Calculating gem weight based on measurements
* Totaling gem carat weight
* Physical dimensions of items
* Natural or synthetic origins
* Treatments used on gems
* Construction of piece
* Rarity of item
* Overall condition

Why do I need an appraisal? How do I know what kind of appraisal I need? Most people need an appraisal for their jewelry to be covered by insurance. You might need an appraiser to substantiate the fairness of an item being considered for purchase. Settling inheritance, Estate requirements, determining the value of a gift, all give the consumer confidence in knowing the value of their jewelry.

There are several types of appraisals. What kind of appraisal do you need?

Insurance Replacement - Clients need this type of appraisal when they want to insure against damage, loss or theft. This evaluation reflects an estimated retail amount to replace and reproduce your item in the same or like quality and brand new condition.

Estate Appraisals - This type of appraisal is used in the administration of the estate of a deceased individual to establish payments of the inheritance tax among estate heirs. This type of appraisal is always based on Fair Market Value. The prices do not represent replacement values of similar merchandise. They are estimates of the current value of the item in its present condition.

Fair Market Appraisals - This appraisal is stated as such by the Treasury Regulations as: "A price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts."

Liquidations - When an owner decides to convert his assets (jewelry) to cash. Values are normally lower than Fair market Value.

Gem Identifications - This report states the species, variety of the gemstone being evaluated and origin (natural or synthetic).

Charity Donations - When jewelry is donated to charity, the donor is entitled to a tax deduction. The estimation is based on Fair Market Value.

Other types of appraisals:

Casualty Loss Divorce Settlement
Gifts Collateral
Antique or Vintage Hypothetical
Resale Comparison
Retrospective Customs Reports
DamageReports Qualitative report



To make an appointment call us today at 303-815-6704

Office hours are Monday through Friday 10 am - 5 pm by appointment only

Our office is located at:

2373 Central Park Blvd #100, Denver Co 80238 (click for directions)


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